Rewind to August of 2021, freshman year roommates, Ryan Aderholt and Isabella Furfaro moved into their freshman year dorm at The University of Alabama! Fast forward to August of 2023, starting Junior and Senior year, the two girls have kept in touch and families have remained great friends. After taking a sporadic visit to Isabella’s New Jersey family home, Ryan and Isabella decided together that they have always had the dream of opening an online boutique and mixing the best of both of their styles!

Hi, my name is Ryan Aderholt! I am from a small town in Alabama named Sylacauga! Being known for having the whitest marble in the world, some may know my hometown as The Marble City. Sylacauga is about a two-hour drive from my college town of Tuscaloosa, Alabama! I recently graduated from The University of Alabama with a degree in Public Relations with a minor in Organizational Management. The skills I have gained at The University will enable me to further advance Thirteen Thirteen Boutique in many ways.

Hi, my name is Isabella Furfaro! I am from a small beach town named Manasquan, New Jersey. This town is located right in the heart of the Jersey Shore! Manasquan is about a sixteen-hour drive from my college town of Tuscaloosa, Alabama! I am currently a senior majoring in Early Education. I am eager to make a valuable contribution to Thirteen Thirteen Boutique by applying my skills.

Together, we are so excited to have opened Thirteen Thirteen Boutique! Our business is now open to share with everyone who lands on our page! We are thrilled to begin this new venture with you! We are beyond blessed for each of you and thank you all so very much!


Ryan and Isabella


Our favorite Bible verses came to mind when we were discussing what to name our boutique. The verses are Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,” and Corinthians 10:13, “And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.” We knew right away what we wanted to name our boutique: Thirteen Thirteen Boutique! It was perfect for us; we knew that these two verses stood out to us to give us the perseverance we needed to be successful at starting a small business. It felt like God was giving us the encouragement we needed to take a leap of faith and put our trust in Him! We hope that these two words, Thirteen Thirteen, will always be reminders to give you strength and wisdom in your daily life and all that you do!

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